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Autistic Man's Gift for IKEA Assembly Turns into Business

Canadians in Edmonton who are baffled by assembly instructions for IKEA furniture can hire Brad Fremmerlid, a 24-year-old man with severe autism who can build anything. Although he doesn't read or speak, Fremmerlid has an amazing ability to understand the most complex diagrams, blueprints and pictorial instructions.

Russian Billionaire Launches Project to Create a Better World

Russia's richest woman, Elena Baturina, is investing $100 million in a new "creative think-tank" devoted to improving the world. Dubbed Be Open, its noble aim is to stimulate innovation and creativity among young designers and improve sustainability while building bridges between Russia and the rest of the world.

The Amazings: Join a UK Website to Teach Your Skills and Get Paid

Everyone has a skill. Now retirees and other talented individuals in London are invited to share their passions by joining The Amazings, a new social enterprise that helps people with skills to teach others by way of group classes and activities. The website explains, We handle the advertising and payments – all the Amazing has to do is decide when they want to run their experience, turn up, be amazing, and then collect the cash.

Girl Loses Half her Brain in Car Crash… and Gains an Amazing New Artistic Ability

Taisia Sidorova, 21, from St Petersburg, was given the last rites after an accident that left half her skull smashed and the damaged left hemisphere of her brain removed. But slowly - with the love and support of her family - she came around, and the artistic right side of her brain began compensating for lack on the left. Even though she'd never been interested in drawing before, she began to display remarkable natural talent.