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Heavy Metal Music Unites Jews and Muslims Across the Middle East

Sometimes change happens in the most unlikely ways, fostered by the most unlikely people. In the last few years, while Israel's relationship with the Arab and Muslim world has drastically deteriorated, an Israeli heavy metal band has been uniting thousands of Jews and Muslims across the Middle East, touting the power of music to turn purported enemies into friends.

20,000 Muslims Gather for Peace

Dec. 5, 2005 — We need to be reminded again and again that mainstream Muslims are not like their fanatical brothers in terror. In Britain, families traveled to London to be counted as the peaceful majority of Islam, able to stand against terrorism yet speak out in the face of unfairness. Let's collect here on the […]

"Touched by an Angel" in Hip Hop

If a frog is dropped into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out to safety every time. But if a frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the heat is turned up, its skin will become accustomed to the rising temperature until the frog is killed.