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Marine Credits "Good Karma" for Hitting $2.9 million Jackpot

Marine Cpl. Alexander Degenhardt credits good karma for hitting a nearly $3 million jackpot in the Las Vegas Bellagio casino. Only days before winning the second highest amount ever paid for the slot machine, he learned he was accepted as a bone marrow donor to an anonymous patient.

Christchurch Earthquake: Market Day Strengthens Spirits

Hundreds of New Zealanders turned out to support a market day in Lyttelton, organized by residents to help a community in need. Free massages, food and chocolate, coffee and music were all offered to local residents in an effort to draw an already tight-knit community closer together.

A Brain Tumor, the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

Examining my brain scan, the emergency room neurosurgeon announced gravely, Well, you didn't have a stroke, but you do have a brain tumor--about the size of a golfball. Before the tumor, dead-end jobs supported a lifestyle of immediate gratification and self-destructiveness.

Mist on the Lake is Like Our Consciousness

I am meditating on our waterfront patio. A chilly summer's dawn has created a thick mist moving swiftly over the warm lake. I suddenly see the mist as my own awareness. I hover low on the surface of worldly thoughts where I seek to find fulfillment.

Tour de Lance!

Lance Armstrong became the second U.S. cyclist ever to win the Tour de France and wear the coveted yellow jersey to victory on the Champs Elysees.Armstrong, an accomplished cyclist, was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, and the disease spread to his brain and lungs.

3 Steps to Heal Any Kind of 'Dark Night of the Soul'

Dr. Rajiv Parti, MD has written a book detailing his journey of overcoming personal injury, cancer and a dependence on pain medications to emerge as an alternative medicine advocate and crusader for wellness. I experienced my own ‘Dark Night of the Soul' when I was hit with prostrate cancer, surgical complications (life-threatening sepsis), chronic pain, depression and, finally, a dependence on pain medications. I had to sell my house and quit my job, all while feeling my marriage teetering and my health suffering. Healing from my ‘dark night of the soul' was not easy, but I succeeded.

Chinese Olympics Fan Pedals Rickshaw Around the World for 'Spirit of the Games'

Three years ago, a Chinese farmer packed his worldly possessions into a rusty rickshaw, and, after pedaling 37,500 miles (60,000 km) through 16 countries and more than 1,700 cities, arrived in London. Chen Guanming, a 58-year-old from Jiangsu Province in eastern China, is a huge fan of all things Olympics, so he decided to pedal his rickshaw all the way from China to promote the Olympic spirit and see the London 2012 opening ceremony. But, he is not done pedaling yet.