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Mars Rover Beats the Odds, Lands on Red Planet, Beams Back Photos

Facing unfavorable odds, the U.S. scored a huge victory, sticking a landing on the surface of Mars early Monday, setting down the largest and most sophisticated mobile laboratory ever deployed, which is now beaming back photos of the red planet. NASA ground control engineers flew into a frenzy of high-fives, hugs and cheers after NASA's Curiosity rover survived a perilous seven-minute plunge to the surface of the red planet.

Slow and Steady Mars Rover Finally Completes Red Planet Marathon

A time of 11 years, two months isn't much to brag about if you're running the Boston Marathon. It's pretty good if you're on Mars. NASA's "Opportunity" rover has finally traveled 26.2 miles from its landing site — the length of a standard marathon race — across the surface of Mars.

Saving The Earth With Help From Above

The European Space Agency (ESA) has approved the funding to launch a copy of its lost Cryosat Satellite to give us an accurate global picture of the climate’s affect on Earth’s ever-changing ice sheets.