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Gift Economy Takes Root in Vancouver - Cars, Cruise and Kayaks Given Away

Brice Royer was diagnosed with a rare type of stomach cancer and began looking for the cause. He decided that if his life were filled with more love and sharing, rather than purchasing and selling, the simplicity might help to heal him. He researched and found that many "gift economies" were popping up around the world that […]

To Be of Service, He Serves Free Tea From His Bus

A sign that read "Free Tea" convinced a pair of college students to climb inside the small school bus painted white. Thirty-year-old Colorado College graduate Guisepi Spadafora has been serving free tea out of his bus (named Edna Lu) for five and a half years. He says the project was an accident, but his desire for "genuine interaction" among people caused him to start serving tea.

Woman Celebrates 34th Birthday with 34 Random Acts of Kindness

Katie Jones set up a big white board in her kitchen, numbering 1 to 34, she listed ways to make people happy in celebration of her 34th birthday. She placed a bag of quarters in a Laundromat. She left five dollars on the floor in the dollar store. She gave a Subway sandwich gift card to a homeless man.

Tenants in Posh Building Help Concierge Raise Money for his Village

Jean Kabre is the concierge and event planner at 101 Constitution — a place full of people focused on power, influence, and Congressional lobbying. But when word got out that Kabre was helping support dozens of family members in his home village in Burkina Faso, the people whom Kabre had come to know as his friends, pitched in at astounding levels.

The Amazings: Join a UK Website to Teach Your Skills and Get Paid

Everyone has a skill. Now retirees and other talented individuals in London are invited to share their passions by joining The Amazings, a new social enterprise that helps people with skills to teach others by way of group classes and activities. The website explains, We handle the advertising and payments – all the Amazing has to do is decide when they want to run their experience, turn up, be amazing, and then collect the cash.

Free Online Materials Could Save Schools Billions

Teachers and their students are quietly experimenting with Free-Reading.net, a little website that could one day rock the foundation of how schools do business. It's a reading instruction program that allows teachers to download, copy and share lessons with colleagues.

Mystery Knitter Ties Scarves Around Statues in Frigid Canada

An anonymous do-gooder trying to keep Ottawa residents warm has been leaving dozens of handmade scarves outside wrapped around the necks of city statues, brightening the landscape of Canada's war heroes. In response to deeply frigid temps in Ontario, the scarves include friendly notes that read: "I am not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold, take this scarf to keep warm."

How Much Longer Can One Man Feed Millions?

It was in 1984 that John Jacko Garrett, age 70, first began donating a portion of his harvest each year to charity. Today, the second-generation rice farmer from Danbury, a tiny farm town of 1,700 southeast of Houston, is a legend. He's a legend thanks to the almost six million pounds of rice he's donated to the Houston Foodbank, and the millions upon millions of free meals created from that rice.

People Turn-up Kindness During Govt Shutdown

Over the last two weeks Americans have seen the worst in partisan politics, but the government shutdown has also triggered the generosity of ordinary citizens. Americans have stepped in to fill some of the needs that the government normally fulfills. From Colorado to Atlanta, Arizona to Florida, let's take a look at America at its best.