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Putin Unveils Red Army WWII 'Victory Monument' in Israel

Russia's President Vladimir Putin joined Israeli leader Shimon Peres to unveil a Victory Monument in Israel honoring the contributions of the Red Army to the victory in the Second World War. Israel's President Peres said the memorial, which includes giant wings that are made of white stone, symbolized a profound feeling of gratitude to the Russian people who helped saved the world from Nazism but lost 30 million of their own people in the struggle.

World's Rarest Wild Cat Doubles in Number

At least 57 Amur leopards now exist in Russia, up from just 30 counted in 2007, and an additional 8-12 cats were identified over the border in China, doubling the number of the world's rarest wild cat in the past seven years.

Moscow; A Happy Place to Visit

Moscow is now a place where even old guard Communists are laughing in the streets. Where once there were dismal shops with bare shelves, there are now elegant hotels and chic boutiques. Shoppers stooped with packages find bargains in a vast underground shopping mall. The financial crash of ‘98 is a thing of the past.

Millennium Trees

Last month, some of the internally displaced people from the conflicts in South Ossetia and Abkhazia planted 1,000 trees with the support of the Red Cross of Georgia.