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Showing 1 - 20 of 28 Posts

This Lost Roman Era 'Miracle Plant' May Have Been Rediscovered

A Turkish botanist is learning how to cultivate what some believe to be the closest living relative to a Classical-era kitchen staple written about by Romans and Greeks. The golden-flowered "Silphium" was reported by Pliney the Elder as growing in modern-day Libya, and has been translated as being a prescription for everything from "stomach pain […]

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Spy Satellite Photos Reveal Hundreds of Long-Lost Roman Forts, Challenging Decades-Old Theory

Declassified photos captured by United States spy satellites launched during the Cold War have revealed an archaeological treasure trove: hundreds of previously unknown Roman-era forts. Corona and Hexagon were two satellite surveillance programs meant to support the Carter Doctrine of US dominance of the Middle and Near East, but now archaeologists are using their declassified […]