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Dick Clark Dies: Entertainment Icon Became Hero to Stroke Victims

For many Americans, the lasting legacy of Dick Clark will be his role as a stroke survivor determined to live a normal life. He had suffered a debilitating stroke in 2004 and had to learn to walk and talk again. He made a comeback on national television, never giving in to the symptoms of that stroke, which included slurred, slowed speech and partial paralysis.

Wall Street Ends 2012 Riding High on "Cliff" Deal Optimism

U.S. stocks closed out 2012 with their strongest day in more than a month. Not only that, the S&P 500 ended the year up 13.4 percent since January 1 of last year, its best performance since 2009. The Dow Jones average added 7.3% for the year and the Nasdaq jumped 16%.

Exercising in Your 70's May Stop Brain Shrinkage

Exercising in your 70's may stop your brain from shrinking and showing the signs of aging linked to dementia, say experts from Edinburgh University. But exercise did not have to be strenuous - going for a walk several times a week sufficed.