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Blue Butterfly Back From the Brink

The Smithsonian published a feature article in 2005 called Back From the Brink that asserted: "Not every endangered species is doomed. Thanks to tough laws, dedicated researchers, and plenty of money and effort, success stories abound." The Hawaiian green sea turtle is one such success featured in the magazine, along with the bald eagle, palila songbird, […]

Swim Team Gives Back Trophy After Discovering Error

Augusta, Georgia swim coaches were honored for returning their trophy after pointing out a scoring error that cost their team the championship. The two men were called champions of integrity, honesty and sportsmanship, amidst a standing ovation.

Fencing Program Enriches Inner City Kids

Peter Westbrook’s mother encouraged him to channel his aggression into the art of fencing at age 14. Her hunch paid off and Peter won not only a path away from drugs and street crimes, but 13 US National titles, three Pan American gold medals and a Bronze medal in the 1984 Olympics.

Oyster Tide is Turning

In a rare show of consensus, scientists, fishermen, environmentalists and area residents are joining together to restore the Chesapeake Bay's historic shellfish bars, or reefs, where oysters thrive.

Retirees Win 100K for Creating Lasting Change

The Purpose Prize honors "what may be a new trend -- retirees taking on some of the country's biggest social problems." The five winners of the first-ever Purpose Prize, announced today, all 60 years or older, will split half a million dollars.

Stranger Rescues Woman from House Fire

A rural Kansas woman is lucky to be alive, after a stranger goes to great lengths to rescue her after her home catches fire... Rachel says what scares her most, is that she did not wake up.