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Billions Earned for US Treasury From AIG TARP Repayment

The controversial government bailout of the huge global insurer, AIG, during the worst days of the financial crisis in 2008, will yield billions of profit for the US treasury and taxpayer. The treasury department announced Tuesday that it will sell 234 million shares in American International Group (AIG), bringing the estimated profit on the original AIG TARP assistance to $22.7 billion.

Comeback Nation: Why the U.S. Economy Is Much Stronger Than You Think

In America these days, if you are watching too much news, you're not getting the truth about the economy as much as political messaging and strategy. The truth is that the U.S. still has the strongest economy on the planet. America's performance should be measured against the current competition, not against the records it set in the 1990s or 2000s.

Chrysler Sales Up 30 Percent, Ford and GM Post Big Gains

U.S. auto sales remained an economic bright spot in May, with Chrysler reporting US sales up 30 percent. Meanwhile, a monthly survey of consumer confidence showed American sentiment at its highest level in four-and-a-half years, partly because gasoline prices have dropped.