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Watch People's Reaction When Thanksgiving Groceries are Paid

Andrew Hales has discovered that his popular YouTube channel, which usually posts prankster videos, can score millions of hits when he displays random acts of kindness. A new hidden camera video shows people with wallets at the ready to pay hundreds of dollars for groceries, when suddenly the cashier tells them it's all going to be free.

Swedish Kids Leave Valentines In Random Places For Anyone to Find

Teacher Karen Swartz Larsson led children in two of her classes (comprised of fourth to seventh-graders), in making valentines for strangers. This Friday, they set out to leave the handmade cards in random public places around Stockholm. On buses, subway trains, and a hospital, they cards spread uplifting messages like, 'You are loved,' and 'You are perfect the way you are!'

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Week February 9-16

Hundreds of communities and churches across the country will say they participated in the fourth annual Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 9-16. Certainly the kindness benefits the recipient, but as the practitioner of the act, you are also rewarded, by a palpable energy surging through you; and you are fairly floating along to your next appointment!