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Ethiopian Child Mortality, Malnutrition Rates Slashed in Half

Ethiopia has more than halved its child mortality rates since 1990 through campaigns to increase the number of health workers and clinics throughout the country, government and aid officials said on Friday. The number of health posts has surged to more than 9,000 in 2011 from a handful in 2004 with priority shifted towards food-insecure areas, UNICEF said.

Progress Being Made on Many Fronts, Says UN Health Agency

Progress in many areas of public health are a cause for optimism said the head of WHO, the UN's World Health Organization, including three particularly encouraging trends: an increased investment in health systems; recognition of the reality of climate change by world leaders; and the resurgence of interest in primary health care, including the record-breaking effort to slash measle deaths in children.

Eco-friendly Chinese 'Amateur' Wins Most Prestigious Architecture Prize

An architect who uses recycled building materials from historic buildings torn down to make way for China's megacities has won architecture's most prestigious international award, the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize. For myself, being an artisan or a craftsman, is being an amateur or almost the same thing, Wang Shu, 48, said in a press release, using the word in its true meaning as one who does something for love rather than money or professional accolades.

New Technology Turns Garbage Into Gold

Imagine a machine that can turn almost anything into oil. Imagine that it uses natural processes like heat and pressure, and produces no pollution. Imagine recycling waste from landfills, refuse from poultry factories, sludge from city sewage, or even infectious medical waste. We now know it can be done.