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15-Year-old Wins National Prize for Creating Pancreatic Cancer Test

There has been a breakthrough in the fight against pancreatic cancer, and it's all thanks to a 15-year-old Maryland County teen and his mom, who drove him to Johns Hopkins University every night after school to test his theory in a lab. Jack Andraka won a $75,000 grand prize in this year's Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his new way to test for early-stage pancreatic cancer. The test also detects ovarian and lung cancer.

Cat Sniffs Out Breast Cancer, Saves Owner's Life

Esther Kacev's cat Buddy, would not stop sniffing and trying to grab under her arm. After rescuing the stray cat several years ago, it was Esther's turn to be saved. The woman from Western Australia had read about the ability of some animals to sniff out cancer -- and she had canceled her last several mammogram appointments -- so she scheduled a trip to get the area checked.

Fight Alzheimer's by Keeping These Items in Your Kitchen

Brain research expert Dr. Pat McGeer eats ginger every day, one of his personal strategies for warding off Alzheimer's disease. Along with ginger, try blackberries, rhubarb, cinnamon, turmeric, cranberries, pomegranate and blueberries, which all contain enzymes to block plaque buildup.

Toastmaster Convicts Travel To Schools

Members of the Voices of Distinction Toastmasters club of Lafayette Parish Correctional Center in Louisiana wanted to give back to their community by showing youngsters the way to stay out of prison so they've spoken to 25,000 schools kids.

Coffee Lowers Risk of Prostate Cancer, Harvard Study Says

A new study says men who are heavy coffee drinkers are at a much lower risk for prostate cancer. Harvard scientists followed 47,911 men for two decades and asked how much coffee they were drinking. The researchers found that those who consumed six or more cups a day -- with or without caffeine -- were almost 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer. The heavy coffee drinkers were 60% less likely to get the lethal form of the disease. (NY Times)