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'Chimpanzee' Film a True Story of Orphaned Chimp Adopted by 'Uncle'

Animal activist Jane Goodall collaborated with Disney on the new movie Chimpanzee. The film tells the story of an adorable chimp named Oscar who is left orphaned after his mother is killed. Filmed in the wild over a four-year period, documentary cameras were poised waiting for something to happen among a large family of chimps. Something amazing did happen.

'Chimpanzee' Film a True Story of Orphaned Chimp Adopted by 'Uncle'

Animal activist Jane Goodall collaborated with Disney on the new movie Chimpanzee. The film tells the story of an adorable chimp named Oscar who is left orphaned after his mother is killed. Filmed in the wild over a four-year period, documentary cameras were poised waiting for something to happen among a large family of chimps. Something amazing did happen.

Bolivia Designates World's Largest Protected Wetland

The Bolivian government recently created the largest protected wetland in the world - an area bigger than the Netherlands and Belgium combined, more than 17 million acres (6.9m hectares). The Llanos De Moxos wetland is prized for its rich natural diversity, as the home to 131 species of mammals, 568 types of birds, and 625 fish species. Several species - including the giant otter and the Bolivian river dolphin - have been identified as vulnerable, endangered or at critical risk of extinction.

England's Forests to be Saved, Not Sold

Having dropped a policy allowing state-owned English woodland to be sold to the private sector, the government is now committing instead to preserving it for future generations. Environment secretary Owen Paterson announced in January 2013 that a previous policy of selling off 15% of the public forest to raise funds was to be dropped and an independent public body created to hold them in trust.

First Stranded Baby Beluga Whale to be Rescued in US, Nursed Back to Health by Slew of Experts

For the first time in history, a live, stranded beluga whale calf has been found in U.S. waters and rescued. But saving the baby, estimated to be only two or three days old when rescued, is requiring the efforts of marine mammal experts from far and wide. Marine mammal specialists have descended upon the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward, to provide round-the-clock care, including feedings via stomach tube, while the baby learns how to suckle from a bottle.

Africa's Last Eden Spared by Logging Company

A Congo Republic rain forest full of rare animals and trees, one of the most pristine left in Africa, will be protected from all logging thanks to the voluntary actions of a timber company to forfeit its harvesting rights.

Help Save a Rainforest the Size of Wales

An area the size of Wales' is frequently used to measure the rate of forest destruction. Welsh-born comedian Dan Mitchell is bringing people together to help protect an area of rainforest at least this size and is assembling Welsh tribes from all over the country to do it.

Leading Paper Producer to Halt Deforestation in Indonesian

The world's third largest paper company, Asia Pulp and Paper, announced in February an immediate end to all natural forest clearing in its supply chains in Indonesia. The company's pledge to stop making paper from the pulped remains of some of the last virgin rainforests, along with its improved transparency, will help protect endangered Sumatran tigers and orangutans and forested peatlands that store massive amounts of greenhouse gases.