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U.S. Infant Mortality Rate Declines by 12 Percent

Infant mortality in the U.S. has declined 12% since 2005 after holding steady for many years, according to data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The decreased rate highlighted improvements among all major racial and ethnic groups.

Woman Gives Birth on Flight From Asia to San Francisco

A new mom and her child are resting comfortably in the hospital after giving birth 35,000 feet up on a flight from the Philippines to San Francisco. A flight attendant helped her to a private area as a call went out looking for nurses onboard. Three responded and worked together as an amazing team.

More Babies Born at Home in U.S.

The number of home births in the U.S. increased by 20 percent over four years, researchers have found. After a gradual decline from 1990 to 2004, there were 28,357 home births in 2008 — the highest proportion since 1990, the study in Friday's online issue of the medical journal Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care showed.