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Prayers Answered When Son Finds $3,000 From Late Father in an Old Book

After many years of searching for his life's purpose, James Smith, 22, finally discovered his passion in the world of art, using spray paint, ink and acrylics in combination with black lights to create neon explosions of color. But the opportunities required an infusion of cash to keep up with the demand for more art work and supplies. His mother, a Reverand, prayed for help. That very night it was delivered.

Cancer and Christmas Both Begin with C

My good friend Wally Bock wrote an article for his newsletter which he titled Christmas and Cancer Both Begin with C. Wally's mother died of cancer in 1982 after fourteen years as one of the earliest recipients of chemotherapy. One of her life's mottos was What good can we make of this? I was honored when Wally wrote about my experience alongside his mother's.