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Bosnia's Progress a Tribute to Holbrooke

Richard Holbrooke believed in Bosnia. As we mourned his passing, we also mark the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, the agreement that culminated his efforts in the Balkans, Denis Prcic, the president of the American University in Bosnia, wrote yesterday in CNN International.

US Founding Fathers Passed Socialized Medicine With Health Insurance Mandate in 1798

A number of US states are challenging the new health care law on Constitutional grounds. But, a very interesting Forbes article points out that the founding fathers who wrote and signed the Constitution actually authorized, for the good of the new nation's economy, the creation of a government-operated hospital service with a mandate for privately employed sailors to purchase health insurance.

Sunflowers Planted in Japan to Absorb Radiation and Lift Hopes

To combat excessive radiation levels in the agricultural regions surrounding the Fukushima nuclear plant, monks at a Japanese Buddhist temple began growing and distributing sunflowers, which are known to absorb radiation. Hundreds of thousands of flowers are now in bloom, spurring deeper connections between people in Fukushima and the rest of the country.

US Poll Reveals Overwhelming Optimism for 2012

Americans are hopeful for what 2012 will bring for their families and the country, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. Overall, 62 percent of those surveyed say they're optimistic about what 2012 will bring for the country. And for themselves and their families, Americans are even more positive.