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Your Next Car Will be Made of Pineapples and Bananas

Scientists have developed a new fiber from fruits like pineapples and bananas that is almost as strong as Kevlar, the fiber used in bulletproof vests. The new "nono-cellulose" fiber will help bring in an era of plastics that are stronger, lighter (which will improve fuel efficiency in cars), and more environmentally friendly than those in use today.

A Better Way to Recycle Plastic

Perhaps we can take a lesson from the innovative entrepreneurs of India when it comes to recycling plastics. Alka is the inventor of a process that clears our environment of plastic waste, creates a million jobs in waste management, adds useful, profitable bi-products, like fuel, to our economy and makes India a technology leader in taming plastics.

Plastic Bags Make Fine Diesel Fuel: Report

Plastic shopping bags, an abundant source of litter on land and at sea, can be converted into diesel, natural gas and other useful petroleum products, researchers report. The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results in transportation fuels – diesel, for example – that can be blended with existing ultra-low-sulfur diesels and biodiesels.