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TV Viewers Rally to Lift 120,000 Malawi Kids Off the Ground

Six months ago, political reporter and former legislative director Lawrence O'Donell shared his experience of delivering 30 desks to a children's classroom in Africa with viewers of his MSNBC show The Last Word. Inspired by the video of Malawi kids sitting on dirt floors, donations poured in, more than 2.3 million dollars, allowing him to deliver an incredible 46,000 desks -- enough for every child in all four districts targeted.

Chiefs, Rams Players Lend Hand to Tornado Recovery Effort in Joplin

Both NFL football teams in Missouri swooped into Joplin last week, lifting spirits and clearing clogged yards and roads. The Kansas City Chiefs had invited fans to donate supplies and water and cash, and the club was stunned at the outpouring it saw from the community, loading six semis of water (187,490 bottles, by their count) and relief supplies, along with $35,000 from the club and $21,000 of private donations.