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A Brain Tumor, the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

Examining my brain scan, the emergency room neurosurgeon announced gravely, Well, you didn't have a stroke, but you do have a brain tumor--about the size of a golfball. Before the tumor, dead-end jobs supported a lifestyle of immediate gratification and self-destructiveness.

Mist on the Lake is Like Our Consciousness

I am meditating on our waterfront patio. A chilly summer's dawn has created a thick mist moving swiftly over the warm lake. I suddenly see the mist as my own awareness. I hover low on the surface of worldly thoughts where I seek to find fulfillment.

Coping With Disappointment Like Edison

In life you will have many trying times but there is a tremendous capacity within us to rise above any situation, any challenge, any limitation. Always we must know that if I'm discouraged or disappointed it's not because of what happened, it is a result of my own consciousness, my own negative awareness.

I've Been Conned… That's the Good News!

Robert deVincenzo, the great Argentine golfer, once won a tournament with a large sum of money as the purse. A woman asked him for money, saying her child was seriously ill, near death, and she could not pay the doctor's bill.

Break Out Of The Grasp Of Your Past!

We have to look beyond our past experiences and how are parents raised us. (If they were traumatic or regrettable experiences.)And the next time you hear yourself blaming your actions on the way your parents raised you, stop, and say I have a choice and I can transcend my presently perceived limitations.