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Showing 101 - 120 of 213 Posts

Goodwill Summit Ends 50-year Korean Cold War

The first meeting ever between the leaders of North and South Korea sparked friendship between former foes and produced an historic accord that pledges both countries to "work independently" on common ground issues to achieve "national unification".

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Forgiving the Unforgivable

Amy, a 26 year-old blue-eyed blonde valedictorian from Stanford, was stoned and stabbed to death in Africa in 1993. Now, her parents work where she works, alongside her killers whom they have forgiven.

El Salvador's Gang Truce Cuts Murder Rate Dramatically

Gang leaders in El Salvador declared an unprecedented truce that authorities say has cut the homicide rate in half in just four months. In March, rival gangs surprised the country by releasing a joint statement declaring an end to violence and pledging to freeze recruitment of new adolescent members, especially in poor neighborhoods and around schools. Since then, the change has been dramatic.