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Peace Being Sown Among Olive Trees

two Israeli rights groups - the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and Rabbis for Human Rights - filed a court petition and this season, an Israeli high court decision granted Palestinian farmers protection from settler violence giving Amer the ability to harvest the olives from his 60 trees.

Cease-fire in Gaza Conflict Announced by Egypt, US

The Egyptian government announced that Israel and Palestinian leaders in the Gaza strip have agreed to halt hostilities after eight days of Israeli bombardment of the enclave and hundreds of rocket strikes inside Israel. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who engaged in intensive shuttle diplomacy aimed at ending the conflict was present for the announcement.

Israel Opens Crossing to Gaza Eases Crisis

Israel made a decision to open the main cargo crossing to the Gaza strip for the first time in several months out of humanitarian concerns: "Our war is against terror, not against the residents of the Strip."

Trees For Life, Planting Peace in Palestine

The Olive Co-operative has launched an initiative that offers the public an opportunity to sponsor the planting of olive trees in Palestine. The new trees will offset the destruction wrought by years of conflict in the area when 500,000 olive trees have been destroyed

Israel Begins Dismantling Section of West Bank Barrier

Israel on Sunday began tearing down a section of its contentious West Bank separation, marking a major victory for village residents in Bilin. The dismantling of the section comes four years after Israel's Supreme Court ordered it torn down, rejecting the military's argument that the route was necessary for security.

The Life of a Heart: Muslims and Jews Saving Lives Together

As a Muslim woman who teaches classes about the Holocaust at a Catholic college, I am constantly frustrated by the negative media coverage of the Middle East. A documentary recently aired on Al Jazeera was an extremely heartening exception to the rule. The film, Jerusalem SOS, told the stories of Jews and Muslims saving each other's lives.