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Autistic Adults Prove Valuable as Software Testers

It turns out that people with Asperger's Syndrom make great software debuggers. A Chicago based non-profit company now trains highly-functioning autistic people to be software testers used by large clients like Oracle and Microsoft. They've proven to be so good in fact that companies are now recruiting them to meet demand.

LinkedIn Founder Lets 40,000 People Lend His Fortune to Others

Reid Hoffman, one of Silicon Valley's most successful entrepreneurs, has pledged one million dollars in micro-loans on the Kiva website to help tiny businesses around the globe. The cool part is that you can take $25 of that fortune and direct it to the borrower you think deserves it the most. There are still 3,178 free trials available for you to funnel $25.00 of Hoffman's money to the global citizen of your choice.