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Guardian Angel Saves Couple from Burning Car

Tommy, a volunteer firefighter was driving down route 81 in Virginia when he saw a Subaru strike the guard rail and go up in flames. He said, "At that point after seeing exactly what happened, I didn't feel that there was gonna be any survivors."

Brutal Tragedy Turns Into Story of Healing

How miraculous that Kathy Stein found herself caring about a young man who tried to rob and kill her. She'd started down a "tumultuous journey on a path less chosen â€" one toward forgiveness instead of rage..."

Stranger Rescues Woman from House Fire

A rural Kansas woman is lucky to be alive, after a stranger goes to great lengths to rescue her after her home catches fire... Rachel says what scares her most, is that she did not wake up.

Good Samaritan Aids Traveler on his way to Damascus

When Jackie related the incident to her son, he flipped. “Are you crazy? Haven’t you heard of car-jackers!!” She said it never crossed her mind. It felt from the start that it was right. “I knew I was meant to help this young man. I had no fear.