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North Korea

Showing 1 - 20 of 21 Posts

83-Year-Old Reconnects Two Koreas

The founder of the Hyundai conglomerate, a self-made billionaire who left North Korea in 1933 at the age of 18 to seek his fortune, returned on June 16 driving 500 fattened cattle in 50 open trucks, an offering to help feed his famine-ravaged homeland.

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South Korea Allows Food Aid to North Korea

South Korean civic groups received the okay to deliver eight trucks of food aid to North Korea Friday. The 180 tons of flour is being delivered to hospitals, schools and day care centers with the hope that the measure will also lead to a softening of strained inter-Korean relations, following the passing of North Korea's leader.

First Time in 50 Years, Peace Train Crosses Korea

For the first time in more than half a century, trains crossed from South to North Korea on Thursday through a sunny opening in Cold War politics, and launched by a "celebration with fireworks, bands, balloons and hundreds of people waving the 'unification' flag".

N. Korea's Return of U.S. Soldiers' Remains Encouraging

In an encouraging sign for relations between the two countries, North Korea has handed over the remains of six U.S. servicemen killed in the 1950-53 Korean War to a U.S. delegation led by Democratic presidential candidate and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson

Bush Removes North Korea From Terror Blacklist

President Bush says he will lift key trade sanctions against North Korea and remove it from the U.S. terrorism blacklist, a remarkable turnaround in policy toward the communist regime he once branded as part of an 'axis of evil.'