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Bill Gates Funds Futuristic Toilets: No Piped Water, Sewer or Electricity Needed

Poop in, clean water out. Bill Gates has invested more than three million dollars on behalf of the 2.6 billion people around the world who don't have access to modern toilets. Yesterday, the three winners of his "next-generation toilet prize were announced, showcasing innovative designs that capture and process human waste without piped water, sewer or electrical connections. Even more impressive, the toilet prize-winners all transformed human waste into useful resources, such as energy and water.

Microfinance Effort Matches Tiny Lenders with Kids Who Yearn for College Worldwide

Although microfinancing usually raises funds for small businesses, the Seattle-based non-profit Vittana has been helping students around the world graduate from post-secondary schools by asking donors to pay for their tuition. Like the business loans, money for education can immediately steer a family out of poverty. And, so far, the Vittana record has been stellar.

Snowball Express Delivers 5 Days of Joy to Children of Fallen Soldiers

More than 1,700 children and spouses of American soldiers killed in action were treated to an all-expense-paid visit to the Dallas/Fort Worth area for the seventh annual Snowball Express – a five day event to honor their sacrifice and bring joy and new memories to the families during the holidays. Their partners, American Airlines, donated nine chartered aircraft to bring families from 54 cities.

Optimism Is the Antidote, Says New World Bank Chief

Whether treating patients with drug-resistant diseases in the slums of Haiti or trying to reverse the hopelessness of the world's poor, optimism is essential, insists World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. For me optimism is a moral choice.

Houston Bar Gives 100% of Profits to Charity. Period.

The Original OKRA Charity Saloon in downtown Houston operates a lot like other taverns. Booze is purchased and poured, bartenders get paid and take home tips. But the owners give all their profits away. Proceeds from OKRA's are donated to a different Houston-based organization each month. With every drink purchased, bar patrons vote on which charity is chosen from among four new nominees each month.