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New Guinea

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Help for Hot Spots

A $150 million global fund has been launched to provide protection for environmental “hot spots” that contain the most dense array of plant and animal biodiversity around the planet.

In Papua New Guinea, Mothers Take Charge

A group of women villagers on a remote island off Papua New Guinea have funded and built their own medical aid station after all local services had been closed due to lack of funds for maintenance.

World's Smallest Frog Discovered in Papua

A frog species that appears to be the world's smallest has been discovered in Papua New Guinea by a US-based team. Finding the frog was not an easy assignment. Sitting on a dime with much room to spare, Paedophryne amauensis, lives in leaf litter on the forest floor

Tree Kangaroos Saved as Villagers Sign Rainforest Conservation Deal

Papua New Guinea has created its first conservation area to save an area of pristine rainforest larger than Singapore and protect rare animals like the adorable tree kangaroo, conservationists said on Tuesday. Under the conservation plan, 35 villages representing 10,000 people have pledged to create a safe zone for forests and wildlife.