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Poor Family in Mexico Given New Home and New Start From San Diego Group

Today, Rosario's life changes forever. Today, the mother of six becomes a homeowner. Tonight, she will not sleep on a dirt floor. Today means her family will soon be reunited. On this cloudy day in April, International Relief Teams and Project Mercy, a local nonprofit dedicated to improving the living standards of families in the […]

Indigenous Barefoot Boys Pride Of Mexico for Basketball Wins

It was through sheer force of will and spirit -- and not fancy sneakers -- that a group of indigenous boys from the mountains of Mexico won a world youth basketball tournament, trouncing their opponents even while several players ran barefoot. The boys, even with their short stature, won with scores ranging from 40-16 to 86-3, according to their local Oaxaca state government, which hailed them as returning heroes Thursday.

Butterfly Boon as Mexico Stops Logging in Monarch Reserve

Illegal logging has practically been eliminated in the western Mexico wintering grounds of the monarch butterfly, according to a report released in August. The successful anti-logging patrols and payments to rural residents may help solve other forestry conflicts throughout the country.

Help for Hot Spots

A $150 million global fund has been launched to provide protection for environmental “hot spots” that contain the most dense array of plant and animal biodiversity around the planet.