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Four Gunmen Arrested in Mexico Thanks To Spelling Error

Four Gunmen Arrested in Mexico Thanks To Spelling Error
Remember to learn how to read and write, kids, lest your life of crime be thrown into jeopardy.

It's a good thing that these police officers knew how to spell, or lives might have been lost.

Four armed Mexican gunmen were arrested in Michoacan, Mexico after officers were tipped off by a spelling error on a fake police car.

Though the vehicle was identical to those used by the federal police, the criminals spelled ‘division' with a ‘c' instead of an ‘s'.

After the error raised suspicion, the men were successfully detained and their weapons with ammunition confiscated.

The area is rife with violence from competing drug cartels and the arrested crooks are suspected to be associated.

Share The Irony With Spelling Fanatics Everywhere…  (Photo by Mic V, CC)

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