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Ingenious Surgery Saves Eyesight - and the Life - of Bronx Mother

When 36-year-old Nordia Palmer-Ferguson went to her doctor complaining of blurred vision, headaches, pressure and swelling in her left eye, little did she know she was facing the possibility of blindness, or even death. After other surgeons gave up, the ingenious solution of an ophthalmologist and professor at Cornell, not only saved life, but restored her sight.

Good People of UK Raise £160k for Child's Treatment so Family Can Keep Home

When Frankie-Rose Lea was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor in August experts said her best chance of surviving was immediate proton beam therapy, but that would cost £160,000. Her parents put their house up for immediate sale, saying they would rather "live in a box" than fail to exhaust every possibility to save Frankie-Rose. Now they won't have to go homeless thanks to the generosity of people in the UK.

Fate Unites Two Boys Who Need New Hearts

Do you believe in fate? Famed surfing dog Richochet rode the waves with two teen boys who were destined to meet. Both have the same name, the same age, the same heart condition and both families wrote to Surf Dog within a day of each other asking for help.

Alabama Doctor Walks Six Miles in Snow to Perform Brain Surgery

A doctor, who was called suddenly to perform brain surgery during a life-threatening emergency, had only one option for transportation leaving the hospital where he was located, he had to walk. Up hills and (mostly falling) down hills, wearing only scrubs and slip on shoes, Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw trudged on through the wintery mix to the main road where traffic was at a dead stop. After walking six miles he finally reached a passable roadway where a salesman picked him up to deliver him to Trinity Medical Center.

Vancouver Donations Save Filipina Barista's Life

Janette Camba, a temporary worker and familiar barista at Tim Hortons, for more than three years, is now back in her home country of the Philippines, recovering from a life-saving kidney transplant, paid for by almost $30,000 in donations raised in North Vancouver.

Generosity From Doctor and Former Thief Helps 85 Year-old Robbery Victim

An 85-year-old South Carolina woman who was robbed of $400 in cash she had saved for eye surgery was given free medical care after a doctor saw her story on the news. Dr. Budev of Carolina Cataract Center wasn't the only one who saw the report and was moved to action. A one-time thief who'd stolen a woman purse in his youth, sent a $500 check to help atone for his mistake.

Transplant Nurse Donates Own Kidney to Patient

The way Clay Taber looks at it, he's got three moms now, after a transplant nurse, practically a stranger, donated one of her healthy kidneys so that he might start married life untethered to a dialysis machine. When she heard a young 22-year-old man was in renal failure, she said, "It just tore me up."