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Marine Life

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White House Moves to Protect Striped Bass

On Saturday, President Bush visited the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Maryland, to sign an Executive Order to protect America's striped bass and red drum fish populations from over-fishing.

Bush Creates Largest Marine Protection Zone in the World

With the stroke of a pen today, President Bush will designate three new areas in the Pacific as Marine National Monuments to create the largest area of ocean protection in the world, measuring 195,000 square miles. The act bans commercial fishing in the coral reef ecosystems within 50 nautical miles around the islands and protects them from oil and gas extraction.

Endangered Green Sea Turtles Make Comeback

In one of nature's best comeback stories, endangered green sea turtles have multiplied in Florida during the past two decades and are now thriving in protected waters. Reported nests have increased more than sixfold since 1990.