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French, Mali Troops Retake Timbuktu From Extremists as City Cheers

Residents of the ancient city of Timbuktu erupted in joy as French and Malian troops drove in on Monday after Islamist rebels fled to their last stronghold in the North. Residents were celebrating their new-found freedom after months of harsh Islamic laws against women, music, and cultural heritage.

Internet Campaign to Preserve Historic Manuscripts Raises $42K

Last year in Timbuktu, an irreplaceable trove of manuscripts at risk of being destroyed by advancing fundamentalist rebels, was secretly evacuated at great personal risk by a team of archivists, librarians, and couriers. The manuscripts were saved from immediate destruction, but today they are still jam packed in footlockers used for their evacuation, while enduring higher humidity than ever before, without protection. Now, an internet campaign launched to fund the purchase of archival bags and boxes to protect these documents has engaged people around the globe and raised $42,500.

Free Laptops Arrive for Kids in Mali (Video)

Children in rural Mali are being given the opportunity to develop their computer skills. Computer technology has arrived in one of Mali's rural villages providing children with access to laptops for the first time. The pilot program was launched in November, thanks to the charity, One Laptop Per Child.

Mali Locals Saved Some Ancient Manuscripts from Islamists

Preservationists guarding Timbuktu's centuries-old artifacts said that in a large-scale rescue operation early last year, shortly before Islamist militants seized control of the city, thousands of manuscripts were hauled out of the Ahmed Baba Institute to a safe house elsewhere.