Kind Patrons Leave Waitress Huge Mother's Day Tip After Learning Her Baby Was Sleeping at Home
Working as a server is hard enough on a regular day, let alone when it's Mother's Day and you have to leave your child to make a living.
Working as a server is hard enough on a regular day, let alone when it's Mother's Day and you have to leave your child to make a living.
A group that flies cancer patients to treatment in unused seats aboard corporate jets plans to make its 50,000th flight early this month.
When a homeless man asked for a sandwich, this cafe owner offered a part-time job, even though she could barely afford another employee.
For a long time, media researchers focused entirely on the harmful effects of media, but a new set of studies show it can also spread goodness on a wide scale.
A marine biology student at a NY high school learned she was named a finalist for the $100K Intel Science prize just days after her family moved into a homeless shelter.
A 14-year-old British boy born without a hand is getting his wish after writing to the boss of his favorite Formula One racing team, Ross Brawn, who had previously been a student at the boy's school. The high-tech bionic hand costs £30,000, and the boy's family had nowhere near the money to purchase the advanced equipment. His plucky letter moved Mr. Brawn to action.
TV cameras were focused on two boys who tried to catch the same ball at an Arizona Diamondbacks game. The gesture of kindness displayed afterward surprised the broadcast announcers in the booth. The boy's generosity was paid back tenfold, as the baseball club rewarded him for his good deed.
Florida violinist Kahane is a brilliant musician at only eight-years-old. She has performed at charity events in the past, but when she heard the devastating earthquake in Haiti had destroyed a music school and crushed the violinist who'd founded it, she wanted to help. She started writing letters to famous violinists asking for money to rebuild the school and instruments to fill it.
This superhero wife got the surprise of a lifetime when she discovered that the arduous home-moving process was done for her by a television show crew and friends.
A school will reward students who perform random acts of kindness after an ex-homeless man gave $10,000 to thank students who helped him.
The largest ever airlift of big cats have delivered 33 lions freed from circuses in Columbia and Peru to a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa.
Watch these high school students host nursing home residents to a prom complete with flowers, photos, a king and queen, and dancing.
People who fled Vietnam 30 to 40 years ago are helping a new generation of refugees who are also fleeing violence, this time in Syria.
Before, he would timidly walk down the hall trying not to be noticed. Now, since the girl started eating lunch with him at his table, he walks with his head held high and enters a classroom with so much confidence.
Domino's Pizza promises delivery in 30 minutes, but one driver took it upon herself to deliver a new home to a customer in need- just in time for winter.
After a local Chicago woman was featured on the news sleeping in a tent in the woods, having given up her dogs to a local animal hospital, the community has rallied around her -- and her pets -- in a big way.
A waitress who has picked up the tab for firefighters and troops does it again for a pair of grieving parents.
A Minnesota girl who had a tenth birthday party planned for Saturday, might have been plenty disappointed because nobody planned to show up, until 300 strangers did.
This homeless man's new pair of kicks are almost as big as the cop's heart who went out of his way to get them.
A teenager who posted pictures of a dress online so she could sell it, had to defend herself against some faceless cyber-bullies calling her ugly and fat. But the Tennessee Facebook community came to her defense, not only by posting sweet compliments on her beauty, but donating thousands of dollars for a new spring dress for her senior prom.
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