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Store Manager Gives Man a Trailer After Fire Destroys Home

William Berkshire lost his home and everything in it after his travel trailer went up in flames outside of Roy's General Store in Traverse City, Michigan. The store's manager felt so bad for the now homeless guy known as Mountain Man, he gave him a rarely used camper trailer so he would have somewhere to live. Hentschel posted the news on the store's Facebook Page and asked others to help too. Within two days, Mountain Man had clothes, bedding and boots and dishes. American Waste also donated a dumpster for him to use as he cleans up the rubble.

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School's Tidal Wave of Thanks For Old Lady Who Waves Every Day

For years, Tinney Davidson has nestled into a chair every morning in her sunny front window and waved to the high school teenagers as they walked to school -- and she would resume her energetic waving in the afternoon, on their walk home, bringing a smile to their lips even on their worst days. On Valentines Day last Friday, the 84 year-old woman in Comax, British Columbia received the surprise of her life when students escorted her to a school assembly organized with the sole goal of thanking her for her years of friendliness.

What Happened After a Man Found $98,000 Inside a CraigsList Desk

A Connecticut man bought a large desk on Craigslist. Luckily it was too big to fit through the door by a fraction of an inch, according to Rabbi Noah Muroff. He and his wife took the desk apart and found a huge pile of cash hidden in a plastic bag behind the deep file drawers. But that is not the end of the story.

Strangers in NYC Give Homeless Czech Man a Ticket Home

The YouTube collaboration known as Whatever, while in New York City handing out sweatshirts, hats and gloves to homeless people before the winter season, happened to meet a middle-aged man from Czechoslovakia who really needed a friend. They learned Jaroslav's story of bad luck and how all he wanted in the world now, was to simply go back home to see his family.

Why Can't This Grandma Stay Out of Prison?

Grandmas, by their very nature, don't want trouble. But 81-year-old SuEllen Fried of Prairie Village, Kansas, has defied that stereotype and brought her sweet, soft touch to prisoners behind the razor-wire walls for over 30 years. I am addicted to personal transformation, she told CBS's Steve Hartman. Fried started coming to Lansing Correctional around 1980 for what she thought would be a little volunteer work, but ended up committed to these guys — for life.

She Planned 22 Acts of Kindness For Her 22nd Birthday; What's on Her List?

She's a nursing major in college so we already knew she wanted to help people, but Hillary Sadlon poured on the kindness for others even on a day when she could have been pampering herself. After seeing someone post online about how they did it, the Seton University senior spent months planning how she could be kind, generous and thoughtful on her upcoming birthday and made a giant list called, Hillary's 22 Random Acts of Kindness for Her 22nd Birthday."

The Best Cab Ride of My Life

I was in a cab heading home from O'hare airport – a journey I make with regularity - when I noticed it. The sign. It was perfectly posted on the back side of the driver's seat and front passenger's seat, inviting Muslim and Jewish riders to help themselves to kosher and halal snacks as a kindness for weary travelers.

People Turn-up Kindness During Govt Shutdown

Over the last two weeks Americans have seen the worst in partisan politics, but the government shutdown has also triggered the generosity of ordinary citizens. Americans have stepped in to fill some of the needs that the government normally fulfills. From Colorado to Atlanta, Arizona to Florida, let's take a look at America at its best.

Ellen Show Gives Waitress Big Reward For Picking Up Military Members' Tab

The bill was $27.75, her reward for paying it was far greater. Sarah Hoidahl, a New Hampshire waitress, even though she is a single mom living on tips, bought lunch for two National Guard service members who were furloughed recently in the government shutdown. The Guardswomen posted the kind note they received from Sarah on Facebook from which thousands of people were inspired -- including the Ellen Show producers.

Amazing Gift: Bride With Terminal Cancer to Have Dream Wedding

35-year-old Jen Bulik received some bad news about lung cancer and wanted to get married before time ran out. As often is the case, out of bad news comes extraordinary stories of kindness. This one was delivered by a wedding planner moved to donate a $50,000 wedding to the beautiful couple whom she only heard about on a Facebook post.