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Juvenile Offenders Walk To New Life on Ancient Pilgrimage

A four-month-long walk on the ancient Santiago de Compostela offers young offenders a different pathway -- a route to redemption. Since 1982 more than 350 teenagers have walked the 2,496 kilometers along one of Christianity's most important pilgrimages -- at the end of which lies their own freedom.

Cop Logs Zero Complaints in 20 Years

By the very nature of their business, every Los Angeles traffic cop can expect to get at least a few complaints every year -- especially from people who are just angry about getting caught speeding. Which is why the police chief was stunned when he discovered that during the last 20 years -- through the last 25,000 traffic stops -- Sheriff's Deputy Elton Simmons has not had one complaint filed against him. Not one. CBS tagged along on his rounds to figure out how he does it.

474-year-old Painting Stolen by Nazis Given to Owner's Heirs

A painting - nearly five centuries old and worth millions - that was taken by the Nazis in World War II has been returned to the heirs of its original Jewish owner by U.S. officials. Also, the former neighbor of a Dutch Holocaust survivor traveled to the United States to hand-deliver two sets of china, dishes that her family left behind before they were led to Auschwitz.

Generosity From Doctor and Former Thief Helps 85 Year-old Robbery Victim

An 85-year-old South Carolina woman who was robbed of $400 in cash she had saved for eye surgery was given free medical care after a doctor saw her story on the news. Dr. Budev of Carolina Cataract Center wasn't the only one who saw the report and was moved to action. A one-time thief who'd stolen a woman purse in his youth, sent a $500 check to help atone for his mistake.

Unlikely Advocates For Teen Killers: Victims' Families

The Supreme Court heard arguments last week about the fate of 2,500 offenders who were sentenced as teenagers to life in prison without the possibility of parole. A few blocks away, family members of their victims came together quietly to support the opportunity for young wrongdoers to eventually seek rehabilitation outside of prison.