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Decriminalize Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-year Study

A six-year study of Britain's drug laws by leading scientists, police officers, academics and experts has concluded it is time to introduce decriminalization. The report by the UK Drug Policy Commission says no serious rise in consumption is likely if possession of small amounts of controlled substances are allowed.

Why This Week Is Historic for Cannabis Policy in the US

Federal hearings began this week on the constitutionality of cannabis' continuing Schedule I classification in Sacramento, California. There are many reasons why these historic hearings are a very big deal. This is the first time hearings are taking place that question whether federal law should classify cannabis as one of the nation's most dangerous drugs with no medicinal value.

Feds Will Not Block State Marijuana Laws

The Obama administration said Thursday that it would not challenge laws legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington state as long as those states strongly restrict sales to minors, prevent exports to other states and keep it off of federal lands.