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Barn Owls Unite Israelis, Jordanians

"Even when tensions run high, the environment is one of the few areas where Israelis and Arabs cooperate. During the Palestinian uprising against Israel, officials of the two countries maintained contacts on issues such as water quality and waste removal."

Jordan's King Abdullah Makes First Visit to Post-Saddam Iraq

On Monday, King Abdullah II of Jordan became the first Arab head of state to visit Iraq since Saddam Hussein's regime collapsed in 2003. The brief and previously unannounced visit was seen as a sign that Iraq's Arab neighbors finally are shedding their fear of a Shiite Muslim-led Iraq.

In Rare Deal, Israel, Jordan, Palestinians Shake Hands Over Something: Water

The Dead Sea, which faces a rapidly shrinking water level, has been a source of constant quarreling in a water-scarce region plagued by seemingly endless political turmoil. But, on Monday, in a moment of rarity, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority signed a historic agreement at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., aimed at fostering water cooperation and initiating a project to help save the body of water.