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Showing 61 - 69 of 69 Posts

Oasis of Peace in the Desert Brings Hope to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Large wooden tables and long benches are located strategically under shady trees on either side of a bubbling brook. Clusters of friends and family relax and enjoy each other's company in the natural surroundings. What sets Ein Prat – or Wadi Kelt, as it is known in Arabic – apart from other parks is that it is one of the few Israeli-run sites that Israelis and Palestinians can access equally, which has made it an oasis for peace.

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The Best Cab Ride of My Life

I was in a cab heading home from O'hare airport – a journey I make with regularity - when I noticed it. The sign. It was perfectly posted on the back side of the driver's seat and front passenger's seat, inviting Muslim and Jewish riders to help themselves to kosher and halal snacks as a kindness for weary travelers.

At 102, Female WWII Veteran Keeps Doing Good Deeds

When asked to reveal the secret to her longevity, Bea Abrams Cohen credits her do-good attitude, helpfulness toward others, and the power of prayer. The chatty 102 year-old has worked for more than seven decades supporting philanthropic organizations and especially the U.S. military, since her service in World War II.

In Rare Deal, Israel, Jordan, Palestinians Shake Hands Over Something: Water

The Dead Sea, which faces a rapidly shrinking water level, has been a source of constant quarreling in a water-scarce region plagued by seemingly endless political turmoil. But, on Monday, in a moment of rarity, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority signed a historic agreement at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., aimed at fostering water cooperation and initiating a project to help save the body of water.