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Putin Unveils Red Army WWII 'Victory Monument' in Israel

Russia's President Vladimir Putin joined Israeli leader Shimon Peres to unveil a Victory Monument in Israel honoring the contributions of the Red Army to the victory in the Second World War. Israel's President Peres said the memorial, which includes giant wings that are made of white stone, symbolized a profound feeling of gratitude to the Russian people who helped saved the world from Nazism but lost 30 million of their own people in the struggle.

US Delegation Remembers Holocaust Hero Wallenberg in Hungary

On a chilly day, a United States Congressional delegation and other officials laid a wreath at the Budapest monument to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who is credited with saving the lives of as many as 100,000 Hungarian Jews during World War II. Friday's commemoration in Hungary's capital was part of a series of events marking the Raoul Wallenberg Year commemorating the centennial of his birth.

Hero of Hanukkah Touches Down at School

The kids at the Hebrew Academy of Huntington Beach could barely contain their excitement Tuesday as a sword- and shield-wielding Judah Maccabee — the hero in the story of Hanukkah — stepped from the Los Angeles Police Department helicopter that had just landed on their playground.

Israeli and Palestinian Presidents to Pray Together at Vatican

Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet at the Vatican and pray for peace together at an unprecedented gathering on June 8, the Vatican said on Thursday. In one of his boldest political gestures since his election in March, 2013, Pope Francis invited the two leaders to come to the Vatican […]

Giving Heart, From Israel to the US!

A group of young adults in Israel is using their spare time to give back! From food packaging for the poor to visiting sick people in the hospital to visiting our soldiers protecting us, Giving Heart just wants to do good!

Heavy Metal Music Unites Jews and Muslims Across the Middle East

Sometimes change happens in the most unlikely ways, fostered by the most unlikely people. In the last few years, while Israel's relationship with the Arab and Muslim world has drastically deteriorated, an Israeli heavy metal band has been uniting thousands of Jews and Muslims across the Middle East, touting the power of music to turn purported enemies into friends.

Israel Begins Dismantling Section of West Bank Barrier

Israel on Sunday began tearing down a section of its contentious West Bank separation, marking a major victory for village residents in Bilin. The dismantling of the section comes four years after Israel's Supreme Court ordered it torn down, rejecting the military's argument that the route was necessary for security.

The Life of a Heart: Muslims and Jews Saving Lives Together

As a Muslim woman who teaches classes about the Holocaust at a Catholic college, I am constantly frustrated by the negative media coverage of the Middle East. A documentary recently aired on Al Jazeera was an extremely heartening exception to the rule. The film, Jerusalem SOS, told the stories of Jews and Muslims saving each other's lives.

Norway Muslims Form Human Shield Around Jewish Synagogue

Europe's Jews face rising anti-Semitism in some countries, but multiculturalism is far from dead. Today, more than 1,000 Muslims formed a human shield around Oslo's synagogue, offering protection and solidarity with Jews following a violent attack in Copenhagen last weekend.