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Tech-Savvy Student Tracks Down MacBook Thief

An eighteen-year-old technology entrepreneur and Bentley College student didn't give up after his laptop had been stolen. After realizing that by using the online backup software BackBlaze which he'd installed on his laptop, he would be able to see the machine's browser history and track any hard drive updates.

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Cambodian Towns Renewed by Fair Trade, Employment and Artistic Revival

Siem Reap, famous today for the temples at Angkor Wat, was once famous for something entirely different: silk. Now the city's old artisan reputation is making a comeback. Not far from the monumental ruins is the quiet and leafy Angkor Silk Farm, part of a fair-trade initiative to employ rural Cambodians and revive a dying art.

Veterans Form Human Shield to Protect Soldier Funerals From Protesters (Video)

900 bikers from around the country are making sure that families don't have to listen to hateful protests at the funerals of soldiers. The Patriot Guard Riders, many of them former veterans, protect funeral-goers from the hurtful speech by creating a 'wall' of American flags and soaring patriotic music to shield families from the protest. The Patriot Guard Riders, many of them former veterans, protect funeral-goers from the hurtful speech by creating a 'wall' of American flags and soaring patriotic music to shield families from the protest.

Mississippi Lawmakers Honor Widow of Civil Rights Hero

The Mississippi Legislature honored the widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers for her bravery, championing civil rights and race relations even while her family lived under constant threat during their fight for voter registration and economic advancement for blacks.

Passserby Hero Catches Baby Dropped from Burning Building

A woman trapped inside a burning apartment trusted a stranger with her child's life Saturday morning when she dropped the infant from a second-story window and into the sure and steady hands of a man who happened to be there only because he'd been called into work early.

Helping Veterans Trade Their Swords for Plows

Since his three tours in Iraq, a decorated Marine Corps infantry sergeant turned organic farmer has developed a six-week course in avocado agriculture for returning veterans who may want to build new careers in the farming movement.

Former Businessman Turns to Comic Books to Create Positive Change Through Inspiring Stories

Sensing a mid-life crisis, a successful 35-year-old Japanese businessman quit his job believing it was time to do something positive with his life instead of just making money. He turned to what he loved most, manga (or anime), the graphic comic book novels popularized by Japanese animators. Normally the medium for superheroes, he uses manga to tell tales of real life heroes, such as the Dalai Lama and Ghandi, to create positive change within young people and society.

Chicago-area Firefighters Help Latin America

A year ago, an earthquake in southern Chile devastated towns, flattening fire stations and equipment that could have been used in the rescue efforts. This week, an Illinois pastor has mobilized 10 Chicago-area firefighters who will travel to the South American country to train about 100 firefighters, bringing along discarded but usable firefighting gear.

Meditation Class Helps Lower Violence at Alabama Prison

A prison outside Birmingham has become the model for a meditation program that officials say helps inmates learn the self control and social skills they never got in the outside world. About 10 percent of the prison's inmates have completed the program, which really works.

President Obama Honors 15 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients

Today, President Barack Obama named fifteen recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Nation's highest civilian honor. The Medal of Freedom is presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. Mr. Obama described the annual awards as one of his favorite duties.

How Yoga is Transforming a Kenyan City

In Nairobi, the Africa Yoga Project is training HIV+, poor, and disabled citizens to be yoga instructors, creating jobs and changing lives. Most of the 3,000 weekly students are aged 16-30, living on about $2 a day, and many live in Nairobi slums with HIV/AIDS.

Amazing Photo: Egyptians Send Support to Wisconsin Protestors

A photo uploaded to his Twitter account by Zack Farley shows a demonstrator in Egypt holding a sign that reads, Egypt Supports Wisconsin Workers. Standing amidst Egyptian flags waved in support of his people's victory over an oppressive regime, the young man's yellow sign sums up the modern internet age: One World, One Pain.

A New 'National Civility Institute' Will Try to Calm U.S. Political Rancor

Sparked by the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a new National Institute for Civil Discourse has been established in Arizona by local leaders interested in repairing the corrosive nature of public debate in America. As honorary chairmen, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton will oversee the institute, which named as its first priority to create a document of best practices for political discourse.