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Happiness Movement Launches This Week in Britain

A growing band of British economists, politicians and academics is thinking seriously about happiness — and they are putting theory into practice by starting a "mass movement for a happier society." Action for Happiness launched Tuesday in London, encouraging hugging, meditation and random acts of kindness.

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Why It's A Great Time To Be An Entrepreneur

More and more, young women are not only starting their own businesses, but they are also achieving enormous success doing so. Take recent start-ups like Her Campus, Rent the Runway, and LearnVest: all three lucrative businesses were founded by women in their early twenties.

New Yorkers Pay Kindness Forward Annually Since 9/11

Jeff Parness, like many New Yorkers, was changed by the terrorist attacks on 9/11. He lost a good friend when the Twin Towers fell, but also was deeply moved by the support the city received from across the nation following the attack. In 2004, he established New York Says Thank You, a nonprofit that sends volunteers from NYC, particularly the city's beloved firefighters, to help rebuild other disaster-stricken communities in the U.S. every September.

California Student From Japan Finds Family Alive on YouTube

Akiko Kosaka, a student from Japan attending the University of California at Riverside, had lost all hope for her family in Japan after a tsunami stuck their village. Then she received word Sunday night from a friend in Japan of the existence of a 45-second YouTube video showing her family home as the only one standing amid the rubble.

Kindness and Hope Flourish Amid Rubble in Japan

Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. I am now staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful, wrote Anne Thomas, an American citizen who has lived in Sendai for 22 years.