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Good People of UK Raise £160k for Child's Treatment so Family Can Keep Home

When Frankie-Rose Lea was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor in August experts said her best chance of surviving was immediate proton beam therapy, but that would cost £160,000. Her parents put their house up for immediate sale, saying they would rather "live in a box" than fail to exhaust every possibility to save Frankie-Rose. Now they won't have to go homeless thanks to the generosity of people in the UK.

Homeless Man Wants More Than Food on Thanksgiving, He Wants a Family - and Places an Ad

A deluge of love and compassion has reached a 54-year-old homeless man who had the courage to put into action the Christian tenet, "Ask and it is given." Neil Shytles posted an ad on community Facebook pages around Virginia Beach asking for someone to invite him for Thanksgiving dinner. "I was very alone last Thanksgiving. PLEASE, if you have room in your home and in your heart to share your Thanksgiving, I not only (would) be thankful, but also consider myself blessed to spend this time with you."

Magician Surprises Veteran with New Car and Year of Rent (Video)

After a video went viral in October showing a magician ripping up a homeless man's sign and turning it into money, a fund was set up that raised $40K for the veteran to get him off the street. When the humble vet only wanted a portion of the money, the magician surprised another struggling veteran with an avalanche of life-changing gifts, and made a beautiful video.

Act of Kindness in a New Zealand Checkout Line

When a Pak'nSave checkout operator Rebecca Mclean, 18, helped an elderly customer pay for her groceries last week she did not intend to tell anyone. However, Northern Advocate editor Craig Cooper witnessed Ms Mclean's generosity, and wrote an editorial about it.

Kind Woman Pays for Diapers in Mom's Cart After Walmart Price-Match Fail

An energetic grandmother named Carol Flynn decided to step in and help a thrifty young mother who had been 'counting her pennies' at the local Walmart store in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It was a random act of kindness, a private moment between the two women, but a watching stranger caught the scene on video and posted it online to inspire others.

Cops to Issue More "Tickets" This Summer Using "Profiling"

The Brimfield, Ohio Police Department announced this week that they are redoubling their efforts in the name of safety, pulling over as many citizens as they can. Not only that, they are profiling a certain group known to "travel in groups". Before you ask where the good news lies in this disturbing information, read part of the full announcement that Chief David Oliver posted on Facebook, to the delight of many:

Son Curtails Year Abroad, Returns to Ailing Father's Farm (WATCH)

George Pike's father was an active farmer and chauffeur at age 70, until he went into the hospital for hip replacement surgery in March 2013. An infection kept him in a chair and depressed for many months. So his son made the decision to end early his year abroad in Australia, sell his car, and return home. Watch the heart-warming reunion.