Worth Sharing


Stories That Matter

Henna Crowns Restore Confidence to Women Experiencing Hair Loss

Henna Crowns Restore Confidence to Women Experiencing Hair Loss
A Toronto group called Henna Heals is working with both cancer patients and women with alopecia, whose lives are challenged by hair loss. They use natural ingredients to paint intricate designs that create a crown of artistry.

A Toronto group called Henna Heals is working with both cancer patients and women with alopecia, whose lives are challenged by hair loss. They use natural ingredients to paint intricate designs that create a crown of artistry. Afterward they shoot beautiful portraits of the women to capture forever the temporary tattoos.

Started by a Canadian photographer Frances Darwin in 2011, the group has since grown to a community of 150 Henna artists and photographers worldwide.

"My sense of self was very strong afterward," said one participant. "I was compelled to take selfies until the stain faded."

(WATCH the video below and LEARN more at www.hennaheals.ca)

Check out the Portraits by Katerina Shaverova below, used with permission.

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