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Showing 3821 - 3840 of 4,140 Posts

Woman Overcomes All Odds in Kenyan Slum, Now Helps Other Girls

Growing up in the Kenyan slums, Peninah was surrounded by drugs, prostitution and dire poverty. Peninah turned to education as her lifeline, walking nine miles to attend school every day, and learning basketball within one month to secure a scholarship to college. Now she created Safe Spaces to help other girls.

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Purse-Swinging Granny Foils Jewel Thieves (Video)

A gritty granny armed only with her handbag fought off six robbers who were smashing windows in a jewelry store on a busy UK street. Amateur video filmed by a passerby shows the courageous senior citizen swinging her purse with a ferocity seemingly brought on only by her shock at the thugs' mid-day audacity.

Tribute to Sargent Shriver (1915-2011): A Life of Grace

It took only a walk with Sargent Shriver to learn how deeply loved and loving he was. Countless people approached him: people whose lives were changed because of the anti-poverty programs that Shriver started in the Johnson administration, or because they joined the Peace Corps, under Shriver's leadership.

Man Plays Guitar With No Arms - Let It Be

Tony Melendez plays the guitar with no arms. He taught himself to play the guitar with his feet when he was 16. He is now a touring musician, even playing for the Pope in 1987. Watch him in this video playing and singing Let It Be, written by The Beatles.

Get Happy: Celebrate the First UN International Day of Happiness

All 193 United Nations member states last year adopted a resolution decreeing March 20 to be the first International Day of Happiness. To celebrate, people all around the world are bringing happiness to others and talking about it on social media networks. The decree followed the first ever UN conference on Happiness and Wellbeing in July 2012.