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Showing 3801 - 3820 of 4,140 Posts

Woman Starts Angel Factory in Basement Raising $1Mil for Cancer Research

29 years ago a woman made a stained glass angel for a friend battling cancer. Now, her home has become a stained glass factory, with 90 volunteers producing tens of thousands of hand made angels for patients around the globe. More amazing, one million dollars in proceeds from these angels has gone to Johns Hopkins cancer research, buying intricate equipment and funding studies.

Recent Posts
Tribute: Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

The world lost an island of genius yesterday when Steve Jobs, the co-founder and CEO of Apple died at age 56 of pancreatic cancer. There is no better tribute to Mr. Jobs than the script from a famous Apple TV commercial. Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently...

CNN Names Top 10 'CNN Heroes' for 2011

CNN announced its Top 10 CNN Heroes for 2011, while opening online voting that will determine the winner of the $250,000 grand prize. All ten heroes will be featured on the 5th annual celebrity-filled award gala airing in December. These ten will each receive $50,0000 to continue their world-changing work.

School Superintendent Gives Up $800,000 in Pay

Some people give back to their community. Then there's Fresno County School Superintendent Larry Powell, who's giving up $800,000 — his own salary for the next three years — in hopes his act of generosity will help restore faith in the government he once taught students to respect.

Former Child Refugee Becomes Hero to Hundreds of Afghan Orphans

Afghanistan, with more than a million orphans, has been called the worst place to be a child. But one woman is trying to improve the lives of Afghan orphans and change the sobering statistics. The 28-year-old had a turbulent childhood herself, living in refugee camps before returning to her country to found the Afghan Child Education and Care Organization, which creates safe and progressive orphanages.

21 Year-old Saves 100 From Ontario Fire, Hailed as Hero

James Slatcher is being hailed a hero, credited with saving more than 100 lives, after a devastating fire tore through a 36-unit townhouse development in Sutton. The 21-year-old was out playing basketball at around 3 a.m. when he noticed the smoke and sprang into action.

A 'Dear Abby' for the Down and Out

In this recession, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet, but people in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, have a unique safety net of sorts: Sal Dimiceli. Raised in poverty, Sal vowed when he was 12 years old that he'd always help people in need, and he's spent nearly all of his adult life making good on that promise, partly through his newspaper column, which invites those who've fallen on hard times to write to him.

Enchanted Makeovers Transform Women's Shelters Inside and Out

Enchanted Makeovers is celebrating its fifth year working in women's shelters to transform interior spaces -- drab bunks and windows -- with cheery designs, but, ultimately, the non-profit organization wants to transform the inner hearts of people by genuinely caring for their souls.

South Korean Pastor Accepts Unwanted Babies in Drop Box

In a country that prizes physical perfection, Korean Pastor Lee Jong-rak, his eyes opened after caring for his own disabled son, has been taking in unwanted infants, who if not for the drop box in the front of his building would be left in the street. To Pastor Lee Jong-rak, babies with Down syndrome or cerebral palsy are all perfect and they have found a home here.

U.S. Professor Reflects on Return Home as Libyan Rebel Finance Minister

In the largely improvised scramble to set up an alternative to leader Moammar Gadhafi's regime, the Libyan rebels are leaning heavily on Ali Tarhouni, a University of Washington economics professor who abruptly left his family and students to join an uncertain revolution. As finance minister, he even jumped on a fishing boat recently to personally deliver salary money to the besieged city of Misrata in the Gadhafi-controlled west.

Hero Grandmother Helping Chicago Kids to Get 'Off the Block'

In one of Chicago's most dangerous neighborhoods, one grandmother has opened her door and invited gang members to come inside. She hoped that by providing them with support and a place to go, she would ensure that her own daughter and other kids would be safe and able to focus on their future instead of gangs.

He Turned his Polluted Gulf Coast Hometown into a 'Showcase Community'

Hilton Kelley left a burgeoning career in Hollywood in 2000 and moved back to his Texas hometown, a refinery and chemical manufacturing region, to clean things up. Mr. Kelley has won a lot of victories in 11 years. Now, the Port Arthur native has received a $150,000 Goldman Environmental Prize for his efforts to fight pollution.

Disabled Bodies, but Able Workers!

80 percent of the workers hired at the Tennessee factory that makes artificial grass are disabled, but owner David Morris doesn't see them that way. Every worker and manager with cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, or schizophrenia is considered able.