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Statue Of Liberty Opens To Disabled Visitors for First Time

126 years to the day since the copper lady was first unveiled in New York City's harbor, and after a year-long renovation, the Statue Of Liberty is set to receive visitors once again inside her crown. A Sunday ceremony marked the reopening of the statue's crown and new access to a lower observation deck for the first time to visitors with disabilities.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Extraordinary Young Man's Kindness Will Make Your Day

A year ago, the ABC program What Would You Do set up scenarios where people were stuck with a flat tire and compared reactions by pedestrians. AT one point they used a Muslim actor to play the stranded motorist. Hours went by and no one helped the man who was clad in the traditional scullcap. But at last, an extraordinary young gentleman came along to help.

Frog Jumps Back From Extinction in Israel

Missing for a half-century and listed as extinct in 1996, the Hula painted frog has been spotted again in northern Israel, its only known habitat. The restoration of water back to wetland areas is believed to have saved the species.

Oasis of Peace in the Desert Brings Hope to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Large wooden tables and long benches are located strategically under shady trees on either side of a bubbling brook. Clusters of friends and family relax and enjoy each other's company in the natural surroundings. What sets Ein Prat – or Wadi Kelt, as it is known in Arabic – apart from other parks is that it is one of the few Israeli-run sites that Israelis and Palestinians can access equally, which has made it an oasis for peace.

Hero Anti-mob Cop Uses His Past to Help Vets With Post-traumatic Stress

Bob Delaney, an undercover cop who infiltrated the Genovese and Bruno crime families in the 1970's, knows what it's like to feel the stress of being alone and helpless, as if no one else understands. That's one of the curses of post-traumatic stress disorder, an anxiety that develops in response to a traumatic period. The 60-year-old hero cop has harnessed that experience for another career, helping the veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars coping with PTSD.

Is Shyness an Evolutionary Tactic?

Shyness and introversion — or more precisely, the careful, sensitive temperament from which both often spring — are not just normal. They are valuable. And they may be essential to the survival of our species.

Coffee May Prevent Depression, Scientists Say

A study of 50,000 American women showed that those who drank two or more cups of coffee a day were less likely to get depressed. It is not clear why it might have this effect, but the authors believe caffeine in coffee may alter the brain's chemistry -- it is known to enhance feelings of wellbeing and energy.

Researchers Detail How Gratitude is Good for Your Health

For more than a decade, researchers have studied the effects of gratitude on physical health, on psychological well-being, and on our relationships with others. The results have been overwhelming. Studies of more than one thousand people, from ages eight to 80, found that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits...

Researchers Detail How Gratitude is Good for Your Health

For more than a decade, researchers have studied the effects of gratitude on physical health, on psychological well-being, and on our relationships with others. The results have been overwhelming. Studies of more than one thousand people, from ages eight to 80, found that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits:

War Amputee Flashes New Limbs After Historic Double Arm Transplant

A quadruple-amputee GI from Staten Island proudly showed off his two newly transplanted arms yesterday by using them to push his wheelchair into a press conference — then vowed to drive a car again. "The arms feel great!" said beaming Iraq War vet Brendan Marrocco, as he displayed his new limbs at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where he underwent the extraordinary double transplant Dec. 18.

Addicted to Drugs, Yet the Greatest American Surgeon Ever

The most renown American surgeon was born 160 years ago on September 22. Dr. William Halsted introduced the idea of washing hands and sterile instruments, the concept of anesthesia during surgery. The amazing part is that the majority of Halsted's stunning accomplishments were achieved while addicted to cocaine and morphine. A new film documents the work of this medical genius.

Family Surrenders Pet to be Euthanized But Tearful Goodbye Moves Vet to do Surgery for Free

After their beloved dog fell on a spike, and home remedies only prolonged its suffering, the family decided to surrender the pet to the SPCA to be put down. In a final goodbye, the family's father looked into Kayla's eyes, apologizing for being too poor to care for her and begging the dog to forgive him for his shortcomings. After the family began coming to terms with their loss, two weeks later, they received the surprise of a lifetime.

'Solar Suitcase' Saving Moms, Babies During Childbirth

In some African countries, a lack of reliable electricity is to blame for hundreds of deaths each year during childbirth. Dr. Laura Stachel witnessed this tragic truth during a trip to Nigeria five years ago and with the help of her husband, a solar energy educator, started delivering a solution: solar energy in a suitcase.