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Inspiring 9/11 Story: A Massai Warrior's Unexpected Gift to America

In the days following 9/11, many Americans probably were unaware that others around the world made extraordinary gestures toward the United States. One of the most touching reactions of all was the story of how a destitute Kenyan boy turned Stanford student rallied his Masai tribe to offer its most precious gift to America in its time of need.

What Followed 9/11? Random Acts of Kindness And a Wave of Compassion

I want people to remember the compassion that sprung up on 9/11, so I'm offering a look back: The stories of a Las Vegas coach service, the restaurant owners in Maine who wanted to donate, German soldiers saluting from a ship at sea, and, of course, the amazing story of Gander, the tiny New Foundland town which embraced thousands of stranded airline passengers, all will make you feel the unity once again.

India Man Plants Forest Bigger Than Central Park to Save His Island

At the age of 17, after witnessing hundreds of snakes dying from drought on his island in India, Jadav Payeng started to grow trees on what was barren land devastated by erosion. 35 years later a jungle of almost 3000 acres (1200 hectares) -- larger than Central Park -- has grown in the wasteland, thanks to his daily and careful cultivation.

Starbucks Tries Again to Tackle Cup Recycling

Starbucks has promised that 100 percent of its cups will be reusable or recyclable by 2015, but that doesn't mean none will end up in landfills. To deal with the challenges of cup recycling, the company hosted its third 'Cup Summit' last week in Boston convening more than 100 industry leaders – including Starbuck's competitors.

Starbucks Wants to Create Jobs — for Other Businesses

Starbucks Corp CEO Howard Schultz, decrying a lack of leadership in Washington, said his chain of coffee shops is helping to launch a nationwide fund designed to stimulate U.S. job creation. The fund, seeded with a $5 million donation, is a partnership with a group of private financial institutions.

Starbucks Wristbands Created These Jobs

Starbucks has raised more than $7 million by selling 'Create Jobs' wristbands. The company expects the program to create 2,300 jobs as the money makes its way to small businesses and nonprofits.

Finding Homeless People Living in the Woods Motivates Starbucks Manager

A regional manager at Starbucks in Fredericksburg, Virginia discovered that there were homeless people living in the woods behind the shopping malls, where they stay unnoticed. She decided to help, collecting hotel toiletries, socks, and money, and delivering them, along with other Starbucks employees, to the dozens of people encamped back there.