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Hospitals Make 17% Fewer Mistakes, Saving Lives and Money

A report released by the US Department of Health and Human Services this week shows an estimated 50,000 fewer patients died in hospitals, and approximately $12 billion in health care costs were saved, as a result of a reduction in hospital error over the last three years.

U.S. Health Care: The Good News - A New PBS Documentary

You don't often find the words health care and good news in the same sentence, but in a new Public Television documentary, we learn that while groups on all sides argue the merits and limitations of reform initiatives, a few American communities are already getting the job done. Correspondent T.R. Reid reports they are accomplishing what few have been able to do – deliver quality care for reasonable cost, and in some cases cover just about everybody in town.

Cancer and Christmas Both Begin with C

My good friend Wally Bock wrote an article for his newsletter which he titled Christmas and Cancer Both Begin with C. Wally's mother died of cancer in 1982 after fourteen years as one of the earliest recipients of chemotherapy. One of her life's mottos was What good can we make of this? I was honored when Wally wrote about my experience alongside his mother's.

Mom Crafts Superhero Capes for Ailing Kids Nationwide

One mother is giving more than 1,700 sick children a reason to smile. Robyn Rosenberger crafts capes to give children with terminal illnesses a chance to feel special – to feel like superheroes. "She doesn't just deliver capes, she bolsters children," one child's mother told TODAY. "It's Robyn that turns them into superheroes."