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The Doctor is a Clown?!?

Does free medical care sound like a good idea to you? How about a movie starring Robin Williams based on the true story of a doctor who for 27 years has given free medical care?

Two New Studies Show Acupuncture Relieves Hot Flashes

Women suffering from hot flashes associated with menopause may have another alternative to hormone replacement therapy, according to two new studies showing that treatment with acupuncture significantly reduces the severity and frequency of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

Pharmacy Prescribes Music for Pain

A London pharmacy is advising customers seeking pain relief to listen to music after a study found it can ease their symptoms. 41 percent of people living with persistent pain told researchers their favorite songs helped them relax and feel better.

Foods and Recipes to Help Boost Immunity and Fight the Flu

Holistic-thinking people are always looking for a home remedy to any problem, so during this flu season we might want to stock our kitchens with the foods and beverages that boost immunity and fight the flu. Epicurious magazine consulted the author of Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, for advice.

Traditional Medicine Looks to Alternatives

Americans spend tens of billions of dollars on alternative therapies, usually out-of-pocket. But now, Oxford Health Plans, the nation's ninth largest managed care company, offers coverage for visits with acupuncturists and chiropractors.

Exercise Good As Or Better Than Heart Pills

Exercise can be as good as medication for people with conditions such as heart disease, a study has found. A study in the British Medical Journal looked at hundreds of trials involving nearly 340,000 patients and found moderate physical activity, for example, reducing the risk of stroke by up to 27%.

Diet Linked to Hyper Kids

A revolution has turned around Central Alternative High School in Appleton, Wisconsin, and its ‘problem kids’, sent there from twelve area schools. Respect, achievement, and discipline prevail where once kids packed weapons, took drugs, and exhibited “terrible rudeness.”

Memory Loss Associated with Alzheimer's Reversed for First Time

For 100 years, Alzheimer's disease has been without an effective treatment. That may finally be about to change. In the first, small study of a novel, personalized and holistic program to reverse memory loss, nine of 10 participants displayed marked improvement in their memories and disorientation.