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Tuskegee Airmen Join Obamas for White House‎ Screening of New Lucas Film About the Black Aviators

President Barack Obama and the First Lady invited Star Wars Director George Lucas and a few of the cast members from his new film, Red Tails, to the White House Friday for a movie night. But the guests of honor were a few of the original Tuskegee Airmen, the black WW II aviators whose story -- brought to the big screen thanks to Lucas's own money -- is opening in theaters on January 20.

30 Secret Heroes of American History Revealed in New Book

Secret Heroes: Everyday Americans Who Shaped Our World, by Paul Martin, is a remarkable collection of stories that spotlight 30 unknown champions, explorers, inventors, and innovators who were forgotten in the pages of American history textbooks. Instead of George Washington, we learn about the tailor who saved his life…twice.

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries (Video)

Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs, but today he is a motivational speaker traveling the world bringing hope to millions. In these inspiring excerpts he speaks about the importance of Perspective, Vision and Choices, which helped him go "from a life without limbs to a life without limits".

Soldiers Team Up With Shelter Dogs in Operation Heroes & Hounds

Operation Heroes & Hounds gives injured or traumatized members of the U.S. armed forces the chance to work with shelter dogs. Using a positive, playful approach called The Loved Dog method the program makes a difference in the lives of homeless animals, while the soldiers get a chance to rebuild their self esteem, sense of purpose, and lives as civilians.

Libya's Rebellion Spawns A Trio Of Unlikely Heroes

It's only been a week since Libya's second-largest city, Benghazi, fell into the hands of pro-democracy rebels. But already the uprising has its own pantheon of heroes. Among them are a human-rights lawyer, an air force pilot who wouldn't bomb his own people, and a balding, middle-aged oil executive.

Woman Turns Rescued Shelter Dogs into… Rescuers!

CNN Hero Wilma Melville founded the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, and has since given hundreds of rescued shelter dogs a new life -- as rescuers. They have since deployed at major disasters on 9/11, in Haiti and the Japan tsunami.

CNN Names Top 10 'CNN Heroes' for 2011

CNN announced its Top 10 CNN Heroes for 2011, while opening online voting that will determine the winner of the $250,000 grand prize. All ten heroes will be featured on the 5th annual celebrity-filled award gala airing in December. These ten will each receive $50,0000 to continue their world-changing work.

Ode to the Crazy One: Apple's Co-founder Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

The world lost an island of genius yesterday when Steve Jobs, the co-founder and CEO of Apple died at age 56 of pancreatic cancer. There is no better tribute to Mr. Jobs than the script from a famous Apple TV commercial. Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently...

A Coffee Angel for Cancer Patients Inspires Detroit

Every Thursday morning around 10:30 Dan walks into a Starbucks in Metro Detroit, takes out a list and proceeds to order dozens of drinks. The number depends on who is in the Michigan Cancer Center for chemotherapy treatments. Since his father's death in 2007, he keeps going back and buying coffee. Now, Starbucks fans are donating to the cause.

Super Bowl Pizzas Give US Troops a Taste of Home

10,000 Uno's pizzas will be delivered to U.S. troops overseas in time for Super Bowl Sunday, thanks to the Evans family of Illinois who started Pizzas4Patriots in 2008. Supporters of the operation want to send soldiers a taste of home, including the shipping company DHL Express, which delivers the pizzas for no charge.